Family Spirit 

Savour Belgian authenticity at every moment of your day with our drinks of character.

Developed and appreciated in the heart of Belgium, they invite themselves to your table to add a unique touch, true to their essence.

 Our selection

Découvrez nos box de fin d'année

Cette année, Family Spirit & Maisons Clothes unissent leurs forces pour vous offrir des box cadeaux uniques et sur mesure. Découvrez dans notre catalogue cinq box variées, mettant à l’honneur des produits belges qui célèbrent l’art de vivre de nos fêtes de fin d’année. Ce qui rend nos box vraiment spéciales ? La possibilité d'y ajouter des objets et textiles personnalisés, pour un cadeau encore plus mémorable. Nos box allient qualité, créativité, authenticité et personnalisation.

Découvrez-les ici

A made-to-measure selection.

We firmly believe that every sip contributes to creating a memorable experience. That's why we strive to satisfy the most demanding palates by offering a diverse and refined selection. We attach great importance to maintaining lasting relationships with our customers. These relationships are the foundation of our business and guide us in our quest for quality and excellence.


Customised products

 Personalise your own bottles according to your preferences. Select the container, the label and the product from our range that you would like to enjoy, all made to measure.


Fridge service

With a subscription, let us come and fill your business or private fridges with our best selection. Choose from our entire range and we'll deliver.


Tasting of our products

Whether as a team or with friends and family, let yourself be tempted by a personalised tasting experience showcasing our best products. Explore our online shop to make your choice, or be surprised by our latest products.


A family business

We want to create a relationship of trust with each of our customers.

Belgian products

We honour producers who are close to us.

Une adresse doit être spécifiée pour qu'une carte soit intégrée

Family Spirit




+ 32 (81) 14.03.67

Our warehouse

Rue des Praules 1a 
5030 Gembloux

Find us